The new rules of dating: 8 must-know tips to win over any girl Here are their 8 top tips for wooing any girl: Go up and say hello Go over and introduce yourself Women like to be approached, and hanging back and staring makes you look uncertain or insecure
And remember to smile Contact her the next day The ‘two-day’ rule no longer exists When everybody takes their mobile phone everywhere, waiting two days to call just makes you look like you’re not interested Call the next day itself Let a girl buy her own drinks A lot of guys think the question, ‘Can I buy you a drink?’ has exactly the same meaning as the question, ‘Can I touch your left tit? Let her buy her own
Chat-up lines are funny If you say something original, unexpected and funny, then you’ll definitely get a girl’s attention It helps if the girl is laughing with you, not at you Always act keen Avoid verbally expressing your desires to a girl Do it with actions: while you’re talking, hold her gaze for a little longer than necessary; look as if you have suddenly noticed how unbelievably sexy she is, and then look away The First date MUST be surprising Girls love to tell their friends how they met someone, so if your first date is generic and boring, it says a lot about you
Dating is competitive – you need to have the edge Don’t try too hard to be funny The truly hilarious men rarely wear ‘funny’ on their sleeves They trade on observations, rather than a set of pre-planned jokes Don’t ever write love letters A carefully written text or email can still be romantic Girls always love a digital interruption in their day which says you’re thinking of them
All the best to you