How To Impress A Girl Fail – Part 2

You ever try and impress a girl and then you just totally embarrass yourself? Like, when I dated Ariel she was smart enough to be a brain surgeon but hot enough to be Victoria Secret? and then there was me I wasn't the smartest but I could rock a photo shoot for Walmart *Music* ๐Ÿ˜€ I was basically a Kardashian it just made me want to impress her, you know? Like when we dated there was this fancy place ๐Ÿ˜€ Called the Summer House everytime we drived by if there was a couple out, Ariel would say, "that couple is so cute! Almost as cute as us" It was one of those moments when it was (J

U) you know (Just Us) Like I thought what you said was SUPER SWEET but if my buddies ask it's got to be way cooler , what happened You know? It's gotta be like (Ariel whispers) When we get home tonight I'm going to polish your Xbox point is more than ANYTHING, I could tell that Ariel wanted to go to the Summer House I started saving up, delivering newspapers, mowing lawns Anything to make a buck and I remember I finally saved 100 dollars ๐Ÿ˜€ when my buddies found out D: (Alex) Hey! Give that back! It's money for a date (Bobby) Impressing the ladies with cash, huh? How much pizza can one woman eat?!? (Alex) Oh, come on!!! xD (Bobby) Nah, he's going someplace fancy! :O Are you going to the Olive Garden? (Alex) Noooo! (Bobby) Then where? (Alex) I'm going to the Summer House (Bobby) That's the really, fancy, supreme You need a tux! ๐Ÿ˜€ (Alex) Really? (Bobby) Yeah ๐Ÿ™‚ Ugh! Take her to Olive Garden You can wear sweatpants! ๐Ÿ˜€ Now, I was not about to wear sweats to the Summer House! :/ so right away Bobby, took me to his favorite tailor and I did not realize what it took to get a tux (Tailor) Gentlemen, even the most powerful men cannot buy the Kingsman tux :O (Alex) but can you do rentals? ๐Ÿ™ (Tailor) I don't think you get it

*Music* Oh no Bobby! (Alex) Uhh, I'm gonna go now? Now clearly, I didn't try and get a tux from the Kingsman

but it's way cooler than saying I couldn't afford one ๐Ÿ˜› Either way, I was bummed Sitting back at my room, totally depressed I'm poor When bobby busts in the door *Oof* (Bobby) Dude!!! I got you a tux! I don't know how he did it but Bobby got me a tux! You da man! I got a tux! Alex dancing, dancing cause I'm sexy, tuxes make you sexy, Alex dance moves now there's an old saying that a good suit, makes you TWICE DA MAN but I think Bobby took it the wrong way (Alex) Bobby, this suit is too big! It's like two sizes too large! (Bobby) Nah, chicks dig it ๐Ÿ™‚ It's slimmin Yeah! You look like

Really hungry! HahaI am soo funny! I was just happy to have any suit! You know? Right away I called Ariel "I got a big surprise" "dress fancy :3" (Ariel) "Where are we going? What are we doing?" The whole week she kept saying "Where are we going? What are we doing? and yes it did get old (Ariel) Where are we going? What are we doing?" but I tried to let it slide Okay? Because I knew how exciting she'd be if I could wait for the final day so, FINALLY it's date night Right? I go to pick up Ariel and she looks GORGEOUS It's like one of those iconic movie moments I'll never forget what she said :3 *Music* (Ariel) "Where are we going? What are we doing?" It's a surprise! (If you say it one more time I'M GONNA KILL YOU!) She definitely knew it was bothering me because as soon as we got in the car she said (Ariel) "I want tonight to be special" (Ariel) "Should I take off the top?" WHAAA?!? *Blink blink* (Alex) "Is this a trick question?" (Ariel) "No! You're gross I meant to the car, it's nice out!" (Alex) DARNIT! So close But we did take the top off my Jeep *Weird Noise* started cruising on the highway beautiful lady by my side, I was finally ready to tell her the surprise (Romantic Alex) "I'm taking you to Summer House" (Ariel) SUMMER HOUSE REALLY? OH MY GOD YOU LOVE ME!!!! Her face, made it was totally worth all the "Where are we going, what are we doing?: I just wish I had better timing cause then this happend *THUNDERSTORMMM* Yep, can you believe it? I pulled over right away and threw the top back on the Jeep but, it looked ridiculous, already soaked, I was ready to call it quits Ariel is all like "Nah, we're going to Summer House :3" So we went! Waiter gave us this look like (Waiter) People like you belong at the Olive Garden but we had a great night :3 that's why it really doesn't matter what you do to impress your lady Okay? You don't know what's going to happen! Just enjoy while you can SUBS BY: ME, Yeah me Also many others

Definitely give a thumbs up to ItsAlexClark THE GREATEST YOUTUBER OF ALL TIME Buy some things too ๐Ÿ™‚ Also sub to me? I'm lonely Slap that subscribe button on Alex's channel! I'm ItsAlexClark, and I will see you somewhere k? BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe

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