Dating Conversation Tips: What Kind of Conversations are Men Looking For On Dates?

Hi this is Patty Contenta with ask an expert answering your love and sensuality questions today's question is what kind of conversations are men really looking for on dates is it okay to stick to more fun or flirty topics or do I need to be worried about impressing him with my brain in order to get a second date this is an interesting question actually stopped me in my tracks because I was wondering are men truly interested in having an intellectual conversation and in my opinion I believe it's not so much what you say that's relevant but how you go about it and ultimately the beauty about being a feminine woman is that we're able to sort of created inviting environment with even our voices in how we go about having a conversation so one of things you wanna to be aware of is are you sharing facts like a reporter where you're just stating facts or you more of a poet when you speak and in order to be more poetic all you really need to do is learn how to sort of use adjectives and descriptive words in your everyday daily life with any situation you want to describe even when you're on a date so be more poetic is the first thing and secondly you want to also be aware of how you use your voice there's two ways you can use your voice one is more sort of active voice which is more motivational and forward and stating facts and then there's the more passive voice which if you actually lean back in your chair a little bit which I'm gonna do right now you can actually begin to feel what a passive voice sounds like it's much more supportive soft slows down so when you're sharing anything with the man go into your more passive voice and use descriptive words be more poetic have fun with it kinda like when you go shopping for that dress you know there's a moment when you buy it you look at it and you he start describing what it feels like when you have it in your hands that that sort of texture and how wonderful it feels then you want to put it on and when you're putting it on you look at yourself in the mirror and you try all the different angles because you have to look if it's just right and as you doing that you're getting all excited and elated and you start twirling inside the dressing room while no one's looking but you know deep down inside you feel sexier so wanna describing about shopping and buying a dress I go into those feelings and I think that's what becomes engaging and said I'm just saying yeah I went shopping today I found this really cool dress why not sort of embellish the moment a little bit more with him and I think that's what in the end men are interested in hearing from you is how you can become more poetic and less of a reporter

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